post-op raw

May 15, 2007

now i feel bad.

i want some fruit.

February 22, 2007

wow! i’m posting.

i used to be an avid mac man, or boy. thisisback when windows was on 93, and my frinds used to tease me about this since giving all of your money to microsoft was all the rage. now i never owned a computer, only having access to them at school in the days playing orgeon trail was more intersting than porn, but i finally gave in and realized that a pc is going to be the best for me when i went off to college. i got one for my graduation gift and soon filled it up with porn and viruses which made it slower than andy choosing a flavor at baskin robbins. it sounded like a steel bender when it started up too.

then three years ago i baught one on my own, my “yay for me cuz i’m living on my own” present, which i now regret because it totally fucked up my financial life–whichj still leaves me with an unpaid for computer. now the damned thing is slow, filled withj viruses, porn, and has a new effect of destroying headsets. i know, i’m rough with ,my toys–it’s why my dick spits at me, but i have treated the one i have now like gold, which, by the way was purchased by <a href=””>David</a>. THE GODDAMNER THINGE HAS QUIT WORKING! I don’t think it’s broken though, I did nothing to break it, so I’m blaming this piece of junk.

Sigh. There was no point to this entry other than to rant. If you’d like to help me out, maybe giving money to get a MAC let me know.

December 3, 2006

money intimidates me.

more later after i sleep.

real men wear burnt siena

October 12, 2006

for the past few days i haven’t felt like doing much of anything, so forgive me for not posting. the weather has been bleh and cold; we even had flurries this morning, or so maria (my caregiver) said. i think the problems i’ve been having are my heating/ac’s fault. there is mold or some kind of gunk in the vent deal. i’ve told my goddamned landlord, but she wants to wait and replace it when i get new carpet. maybe i will get lucky and get the mold AIDS so i can sue for a fuffilion dollars to spend on stuff for my final days.

of course i don’t want the AIDS. chalk that up for a ragan fox moment, and for those of you who do have the HIV or the AIDS i’m not being flippant, ignoring the devarity of the disease and not that mine equates what some yours, but i know how it is to live with something no one can fix. or can they? ah, the great conspiracy theories.

no, this in your face entry is not going to be about conspiracy theories, but if you’re looking for those or other urban legends check out for that stuff. what i want to discuss is insurance shit and how the govenment enjoys taking a huge steaming pile of caa-caa on those of us that need more medical help than most. it makes no sense to me the process of how the government goes about deciding who gets what. i remember when my sister was born, having three holes in her heart and down syndrome and the tries it took mom to get her on medicaid to cover the costs of her medical costs. i think she was denied three thimes before she got on. there was no hidden adgenda behind it; she would probably die without help form uncle sam.

when i was diagnossed with my disease at fourteen mom thought she was in for the long haul again to get me insurance, but nope, first time i was approved. NOW IF THAT AIN’T A BUCH OF BULLSHIT. land of the free and home of the bullshit! yeah, that last line was dumb, but it’s true. why does the goventment treat us so conditionally? it seems as though you have to be rich before the govenment even notices you, and then they give out free things. i didn’t come from a rich family. we shopped at walmart for clothes, not even able to go to taget’ for fancier things, like baggy pants. those were in style when i was in elementary school.

ok, point of order, why cant the legal US residents get free or low cost health insurance, not just a small margin of the people? if they can give it to me, then why not everyone? and don’t make the excuse that their is a war going on–but i’m not getting into that. if you want war stuff look for it in another blog. there is nothing more that i hate more is people who blab on and on about the war. war=bad.

Yeah this was a dull post, so to make it up to you, enjoy the following:

<video><object width=”425″ height=”350″><param name=”movie” value=””></param><param name=”wmode” value=”transparent”></param><embed src=”; type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” width=”425″ height=”350″></embed></object></video>

adam curry musings

October 10, 2006

tonight i had a nice chat on skype with not only Andy, but Rebecca Nay, Fatt Udders (Matt Blender,) AND Jenny aka Pizza Babe. it was so great talking to them all, laughing, poking fun at one another all in good fun. they’re all really cool people. rebecca, matt and jenny have awesome shows so go check them out–andy does too, well kinda. it’s more bloggish.

i’ve got to touch on this, even though everyone else is going to do the same thing. Podshow. now, for those of you who live under a rock podshow is what smart people use to host their podcast. sure they put an ad in the begining and end of every show you upload, but the shit is free, and there isnt a reason to complain when you are getting something free. it might be nice to hear another ad sometime soon, but oh well. back to the point, many of the shows produced on podshow have as a sponser and has hooked them up with checkout codes to save you money when you buy a domain (i even used one when i bought this site.)

guess who forgot to renew their domain today? Adam Curry, the idiot who runs podshow, and he knows he can save ten percent if he uses MADGE1 when he checks out! when i was going through the registration shit, i noticed their was a box that would let you automaticly get the cost deducted from your credit card when it’s time to renew.

adam curry is not like me; he is not poor, far far from it. adam curry has giraffe money, and by that i mean that he could go to girfaffs-r-us and purhase one of the goddamned long necked beast without a second thought.

this is going be an exclusive on this site, but adam curry worships satan, he worships satan and wipes his ass with hundred dollar bills. if anyone reading this can sends this to adam curry, please do; i have a plea. adam curry, my total income is six hundred dollars a month and i am about twenty-five hundred in the hole, is there any way you could help me? how’s that for a paragraph?

on to “Bob.” maybe you know of a man like you know a bob or maybe even are a bob. bob is a person in my virtual life that needs to understand that he isn’t all that. bob, this world does not revolve around you. nor are we your servents to push around. get off your ass and do things for yourself. some people are soft spoken, don’t prey on them. there was a service provided for you, you compensated and now the deal is over. you do not own people, bob! one day someone is going to snap, and if it is me, you better watch out.

thanks for the comments everyone! it really does me good to know that i’m not just doing this for my own eyes.

yay! my first website!

October 8, 2006

well here it is, my first entry to a blog and on my own website. i want to thank Andy Melton for showing me the ropes and junk, so thanks. andy is a really cool guy that i randomly found on skype, mostly. i first heard him on yeast radio and looked him up. he, like me is a homebody and pretty much does nothing besides sit in front of the computer all the time. so what a better way of doing nothing than talk to someone who does the same. i digress, andy is trying to get a solid job and does some kind of computer shit. his tech stuff just sounds like a bunch of barnyard animals when he tells me about it. i tease and pester him a lot, but it’s all in good fun.

i’m a little concerned with my health lately. they came from the hospital a week ago to take some blood on my cardiologist’s orders and i found out that my blood thinner has been increased; my blood is too thick. i’m going through some side effects that i don’t like either, bad loss of appitite, trouble going to sleep and depression. the funny thing about that is that i am on a pill that is supposed to get rid of that. well, i guess that not going out in like, forever could help with that.

i think i will wrap things up for tonight. i need to go to bed and read a little. i’m going tol post tomorrow to set my goals for this blog, so stay tuned.